Availability and Fees

The meeting rooms of the MCPLS are made available free of charge to non-profit groups.  The purpose of the meeting rooms is to make them available to as many community groups as possible.  Therefore, a non-library group may not monopolize the use of the meeting room. 


  • Library-sponsored programs will receive first priority. There may be times that the library will have to unexpectedly cancel a group’s meeting to allow a library function to be held.
  • No fee is charged for use of the facility.
  • Pass-through costs for educational materials or supplies may be allowed if pre-approved by the Director.
  • No materials, equipment or furniture belonging to any organization will be stored on Library premises, and the Library will not assume responsibility for any materials or items left on the premises.
  • Library-sponsored events for the purpose of raising funds for the Library are allowed.
  • Groups consisting mainly of persons under eighteen (18) years of age must have an adult in supervision at all times during the meeting. The contact adult may not leave the premises until all other attendees have departed, even if the library itself is open.
  • Light, non-alcoholic refreshments may be served by the group, but no serving materials will be provided by the Library. If the carpet or furnishings are soiled during the use of Library facilities, the organization must pay the cost of cleaning. Garbage should be disposed of as leaving.
  • The room must be restored in an orderly manner after use, chairs in place, tables clean, garbage taken off, etc.
  • If a meeting is canceled, the Library must be notified at once and at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled event unless unexpected hazardous weather or other emergencies occur.
  • In compliance with fire code regulations, attendance for any use of the facility may not exceed the room’s capacity.
  • If a question is raised as to the objectives and/or activities of any organization or group requesting use of the meeting room, the Board of Trustees shall be the final authority in granting or refusing permission for the use of the room.

Prohibited Uses

  • Activities likely to disturb regular Library functions. Prior approval for such possible events may be obtained.
  • Individuals, organizations or groups presenting programs of which the primary purpose is the disparagement or denigration of another individual, organization, or group.
  • Functions such as birthday parties, bridal or baby showers, reunions, etc.
  • Functions or activities which could endanger the safety of anyone while in attendance. The library cannot be held responsible for accidents or injuries occurring during use of the facility.
  • Groups conducting moneymaking activities while using the facility.
    • Meetings promoting sales or services may NOT be held.
    • Advertising products for sale is also prohibited.
    • Nonprofit and public organizations may seek permission from the Board of Trustees to hold fundraising activities. Requests must be made at least sixty (60) days in advance. Fundraisers for political parties or candidates are not allowed.

Reserving The Meeting Room

  • The appropriate form used to reserve the meeting room must be filled out, signed, and returned to the library.
  • A contact name and phone number must be provided. The contact person will be responsible for turning off meeting room and restroom lights as well as restitution for any fees.
  • Advance reservations for groups are allowed, but not earlier than six (6) months prior to the event.
  • Meeting rooms are intended for groups use. Individual use may be scheduled on an as-needed basis no more than one week in advance.

Created 01/22/09
Revised 11/20/19
Revised 10/20/21