Policy Type

Library Card Policy

The Marshall County Public Library accepts the American Library Association Equity of Access statement. Equity of Access means that all people have the information they need, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, education, ethnicity, language, income, physical limitations, or geographic barriers. Equity of Access states that all patrons should be able to obtain information in a variety of formats--electronic as well as print-- without fear of censorship or reprisal.

MCPL cannot and does not accept responsibility for what a user accesses or borrows. The Library encourages parents to be an active participant in their child’s selection of materials.

In order to check out material, a patron must present their library card, have their picture on their account, or provide positive identification. Patrons are not permitted to use another patron’s library card except in special circumstances which must be approved by a member of the Management Team.

Permanent, Full-Time Resident Card

  1. Patrons receiving the Permanent, Full-Time Resident Card must provide a photo ID and proof of local address in order to obtain a card. Local residents include all persons living in Marshall County as well as the surrounding counties of Ballard, Caldwell, Calloway, Carlisle, Christian Crittenden, Fulton, Graves, Hickman, Livingston, Lyon, McCracken, Trigg, Union, and Webster.
  2. Patrons who are not local residents may obtain a Permanent, Full-Time Resident Card for a $20 fee.
  3. Applicants under the age of 17 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to register for a library card unless they are 16 or over and can provide a photo ID.
  4. Patrons who have a Permanent, Full-Time Resident Card have full access to library materials and services.

Temporary Resident Card

  1. Any person who does not currently have a library card is eligible for the Temporary Resident Card.
  2. Patrons with a Temporary Resident Card can check out up to 3 items at a time, have full access to online materials, can use in-house computers, are eligible to receive training/certification in the MakerSpace, and may check out equipment for in-house use.
  3. Applicants under the age of 17 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to register for a library card unless they are 16 or over and can provide a photo ID.

Digital Access Card

  1. Any person may have a Digital Access Card, including patrons who have a Permanent, Full-Time Resident Card or Temporary Resident Card that is in bad standing due to fees or missing/damaged materials.
  2. Digital Access Cards may be applied for online.
  3. Patrons with a Digital Access Card have full access to online services and may use in- house computers.
  4. Applicants under the age of 17 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to register for a library card unless they are 16 or over and can provide a photo ID.

Family Option

Applicants must select this option to allow family members to pick up, know about, and renew library material. Patrons who chose the Family Option may allow a family member to pick up their hold material. Hold material will be checked out onto the account the hold was placed. The Family Option does not allow family members to use one another’s cards to check out materials.

Renewal & Replacements

Patron library cards expire every two years. In order to renew, patrons must confirm their current contact information.

The Library will charge $2 to replace physical library cards.

Created 01/22/09 Revised 11/17/21

Library Material Circulation

New Patron Loan Limit. All new patrons are limited to three items on their first checkout.

Borrowed Material. Registered patrons may borrow materials from and return them to any branch of the Marshall County Public Library System. Loan periods are set to provide reasonable and equitable access to Library material and to ensure the return of items. Loan periods are listed at the end of the policy.

Material which are in heavy demand, such as seasonal or holiday books, school project material, award books or best sellers, may be limited in quantity per patron. This material may not be renewed.

In order to provide prompt service on an equitable basis to all customers, some material is designated as non-circulating, such as Reference, Genealogy, and more.

Renewals. If material is not on hold or on a hold list, the material may be renewed based upon the following:

  • New Books & New DVDs – may be renewed once, unless there is a hold on the material
  • All other books and DVDs renews four times for the normal loan period. There may be exceptions on particular items or collections. Renewals are automatic. Patrons will be contacted if material cannot be renewed.

Holds. Holds may be placed on catalogued items which are circulating. Holds may not be placed on Inter-Library Loan items from other institutions. In order to ensure that collections resources are shared equitably, patrons cannot have more than 25 items on hold at one time.

Overdue Material. The Library may impose fines, or other penalties for overdue materials where required to ensure the return of borrowed materials. The fine or penalty is calculated from the due date of renewal or return of material. Materials delivered by the Bookmobile are not subject to the overdue fines unless the period extends more than six months or the material is lost.

Patrons are contacted by telephone, e-mail, or mailed notices to remind them to return overdue materials.

Lost or Damaged Material. The Library will charge patrons for lost or damaged material. If a patron pays for the replacement of an item but later finds it and returns it to the Library, the replacement cost of the material may not be refunded.

Overdue or Fines Owed. A patron’s card will be changed to Digital Access if more than $10 is owed.

Loan Limits

  • Patrons registered at a branch may have up to 50 items checked out at one time.
  • Due to Bookmobile schedule and procedures, Bookmobile patrons may have up to 100 items at one time.

Audio Books:                           35 per patron

Books (NEW):                         10 per patron

Books:                                     35 per patron

CDs - Music:                           10 per patron

DVDs (NEW):                            4 per patron

DVDs:                                        10 per patron

Games:                                     4 per patron

Kits:                                           4 per patron

Magazines:                              10 per patron

Loan Periods

  • Due to Bookmobile schedule and procedures, Bookmobile patrons check out material for a 31-day loan period.
  • If requested, special loan periods for educational and/or hardship purposes may be granted as long as the material is not in high demand or has a hold list.

Audio Books:                             2 weeks, renewable 4 times

Books (NEW):                           2 weeks, renewable 1 time

Books:                                       2 weeks, renewable 4 times

CDs - Music:                             2 weeks, renewable 4 times

CDs - Software:                         2 weeks, renewable 4 times

DVDs (NEW):                            2 days, renewable 1 time

DVDs:                                        2 weeks, renewable 4 times

Games:                                     2 weeks, renewable 4 times

Inter-Library Loans:                   2 weeks, renewable 1 time unless lending library declines approval

Kits:                                           28 days, renewable 1 time

Magazines:                                2 weeks, renewable 4 times

Other:                                        2 weeks, renewable limit based on each item

Created 01/22/09 Revised 12/15/21


MakerSpace Policy

The Marshall County Public Library provides open access to all forms of educational, cultural and recreational information, which includes ideas and the free expression of all points of view. To ensure these principles are accessible to the community, MCPL features a Makerspace, which is a public workshop dedicated to hands-on learning and creating for all ages. The Makerspace offer a wide variety of cutting-edge and traditional equipment and tools, as well as classes and programs for guided exploration. Patrons wishing to use the Makerspace, or any equipment contained within it, must read and sign this policy before they may use it.


  • The Library’s Makerspace may be used only for lawful purposes. The public is prohibited from using the Makerspace equipment to create material that is:
  • Prohibited by local, state, or federal law.
  • Unsafe, harmful, dangerous or poses an immediate threat to the well-being of others (such use may violate the terms of use of the manufacturer).
  • Obscene, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate for the Library environment.
  • In violation of another’s intellectual property rights. For example, the equipment may not be used to reproduce material that is subject to copyright, patent, or trademark protection.
  • Patrons will not modify the Makerspace’s hardware or software, or install new programs onto the computers.
  • The Library reserves the right to deny Makerspace access if a patron violates any part of the Makerspace policy, or for any other misuse of the space, as determined by Library staff.


  • All patrons aged 16 and up may use the Makerspace independently. Patrons under 16 may use the Makerspace if supervised by an adult at all times. The library will not train any child under 16 on equipment. It is not recommended for children under 10 to use the Makerspace.
  • Patrons must have a current Marshall County Public Library card to use the Makerspace.
  • The door to the Makerspace will be locked when not in use.
  • Some equipment will require training before a patron may use it. To be trained how to use such equipment, a patron should schedule a training session with Library staff. The Library will keep a record of which pieces of equipment each patron is trained to use.
  • Once a patron is trained in how to use Makerspace equipment, he/she may use it independently by scheduling an appointment.
  • In order to ensure equal access for all, patrons may only schedule one appointment slot at a time.
  • Library staff will be happy to assist users of the Makerspace as time permits. The Library staff has limited availability to provide this assistance on demand.
  • Makerspace tools and devices are free to use. Materials may be available to purchase at-cost.
  • Patrons may bring their own materials to use with Makerspace equipment if they wish. When doing so, patrons should show the material to Library staff before using it so they can make sure it can be used safely with that particular piece of equipment.
  • Makerspace equipment may not be left unattended while it is in use; a patron aged 16 and older must stay with it at all times.
  • When reserving the Makerspace or its equipment, scheduled Library programs have priority, followed by patrons who have made a reservation ahead of time. If the Makerspace room or its equipment is not reserved, it will be made available on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to staff availability.
  • The Makerspace will be closed and locked 15 minutes before the Library closes. Please make sure your work is completed, all equipment is turned off and your work area is cleaned before this time.
  • If the Makerspace or its equipment is found to be damaged or missing when a patron is finished using it, that patron may be subject to a fee.
  • No food or drinks are allowed in the Makerspace.
  • If Makerspace tools or equipment break, or if any accidents occur while using the Makerspace, let Library staff know immediately.
  • In an effort to be a good community partner, the library will create items for other public or nonprofit entities in the Makerspace as time and ability permits. All items created by the library for other public or nonprofit entities will include the library’s logo. The public or nonprofit entity will be responsible for material costs.


  • Follow all safety guidelines and exercise caution with all Makerspace equipment.
  • The Library is not responsible for any injuries caused by improper use of equipment.
  • Any work saved on Library computers will be deleted once the computer is turned off and cannot be recovered. Patrons must save their files on an external storage device.
  • The Library is not responsible for any damage to a patron’s materials or files, or for any manufacturing defects.
  • Be respectful of other patrons, and do not disrupt someone’s work. Be sure to clean your work area and all equipment before leaving.
  • The patron must read and sign the Library’s Makerspace policy and liability waiver.

Makerspace Agreement:

By signing this Policy, I indicate that I understand the terms of this Policy and Procedure and agree to abide by it when using the equipment.


Proctoring Exams

The MCPLS will proctor written exams or exams requiring a computer for students according to the following guidelines:


  1. The student must be allowed to take the exam without constant supervision. The Library cannot provide a staff member to sit with a student while he or she takes an exam.
  2. The student is responsible for arranging the exam with his or her instruction or institution. This includes getting the proctor approved by the instructor or institution and ensuring that the proctor has all of the necessary materials and information to give the exam (e.g. test booklet, instructions, online password).
  3. The date and time of the exam must be scheduled at least 72 hours in advance with appropriate library personnel at the convenience of the Library. Students should give their assigned proctor at least 24 hours’ notice if they must reschedule an exam. The Library does not guarantee that a proctor will be available when exams have to be rescheduled.
  4. Tests requiring the use of library computers must not require the installation of additional software or changes to user or security settings.

Self-directed exams.

Students who do not require the services of a proctor may use a library computer or meeting room to take an exam according to the following guidelines:

  1. Students ages 11 and over may use the Public Internet Computers for taking online tests. Reservations are not made in advance to use the Public Internet Computers unless special permission has been received by Management.
  2. All Public Internet Computer users are given 60 minutes upon signing up to use the computer, unless closing hours reduce the available time.
  3. The student must receive special permission from Management prior to their session if additional time will be needed.
  4. Appointments for special computer use to take an exam must be scheduled at least 48 hours in advance at the convenience of the library. Students should give the Library at least 24 hours’ notice if the exam needs to be rescheduled.
  5. If the student needs to use a meeting room to take an exam, they must reserve the meeting room following the Meeting Room Policy.

Created 01/22/09

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